Social HubWestAfrica helps African organizations (Small, Medium and Large Enterprises, NGOs, Local Municipalities and other Government bodies) formulate and submit their projects and funding requests, and manage all their fundraising processes.
Action for Women’s Health Open Call
Pivotal, Melinda French Gates Foundation
03/12 2024
Health, Women
Deadline : 03/12/2024
Donors : Pivotal, Melinda French Gates Foundation Sector : Health, Women
Countries : Benin. Burkina Faso. Cape Verde. Cote d'Ivoire. Gambia. Ghana. Guinea. Guinea-Bissau. Liberia. Mali. Mauritania. Niger. Nigeria. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Togo.
Call summary : "Action for Women’s Health is a $250 million global open call launched by Pivotal that will fund organizations around the world that are improving women’s mental and physical health. Each awardee will receive flexible funding between $1 million and $5 million USD..."
USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge
12/12 2024
Industry, Environment
Deadline : 12/12/2024
Donors : USADF Sector : Industry, Environment
Countries : Benin. Burkina Faso. Cape Verde. Cote d'Ivoire. Liberia. Mauritania. Nigeria. Senegal.
Call summary : "USADF is excited to request proposals for the USADF Off-Grid Energy Challenge. Proposals are invited from eligible African off-grid energy companies. Award: Selected enterprises will receive funding in the form of grant capital of up to $250,000... To be considered for the Challenge, applicants must be majority African-owned and managed private companies and organizations (including non-profit and not-for-profit)..."
The Agribusiness Challenge Fund
Mastercard Foundation
22/12 2024
Agriculture, Industry
Deadline : 22/12/2024
Donors : Mastercard Foundation Sector : Agriculture, Industry
Countries : Benin. Cote d'Ivoire. Ghana. Nigeria. Senegal.
Call summary : "The Agribusiness Challenge Fund is ... call for proposals ... open to SME... Support from the Fund includes grants ranging from US$ 500,000 to US$ 2,500,000, disbursed over a three-year period, based on the applicant’s development stage, scalability, and business model, in accordance with agreed periodic milestone targets... Categories : - Primary production -Processing and aggregation -Trading and market linkages"
Underreported Stories in Sub-Saharan Africa
Pulitzer Center
31/12 2024
Human Rights, Other
Deadline : 31/12/2024
Donors : Pulitzer Center Sector : Human Rights, Other
Countries : Benin. Burkina Faso. Cape Verde. Cote d'Ivoire. Gambia. Ghana. Guinea. Guinea-Bissau. Liberia. Mali. Mauritania. Niger. Nigeria. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Togo.
Call summary : "The Pulitzer Center is seeking proposals to advance wide-reaching and relevant journalism on issues impacting communities in sub-Saharan Africa, including but not limited to water and sanitation, land degradation and coastal erosion, education, maternal health, and climate resilience. We place special emphasis on projects that inform behavior and policies that improve the lives of the communities reported on, and we encourage local journalists to apply..." Ongoing opportunity.
Update on : 09/11/2024 12:11
Call summary Link to the call
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List of Donors
Funding windows open to receive applications throughout the year.
AFDB Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa
"The Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) is a multi-donor Special Fund managed by the African Development Bank. It provides catalytic finance to unlock private sector investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency. SEFA offers technical assistance and concessional finance instruments to remove market barriers, build a more robust pipeline of projects and improve the risk-return profile of individual investments. The Fund’s overarching goal is to contribute to universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy services for all in Africa, in line with the New Deal on Energy for Africa and Sustainable Development Goal 7."
Affaires Mondiales Canada
"As of July 15, 2020, we have launched a pilot project to accept concept notes through the Partners@International portal... There are many more needs and requests for support than any one donor can fund. We only fund select initiatives that strongly align with Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy and program priorities..."
African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF)
"The African Women’s Development Fund (AWDF) is a grantmaking foundation that supports local, national and regional women’s organisations working towards the empowerment of African women and the promotion and realisation of their rights. By specialising in grant-making and focused, tailored movement-building programmes, we work to strengthen and support the work of African women’s organisations."
Aga Khan Foundation
"AKF works primarily in six areas with gender equality and inclusion mainstreamed throughout all programmes: Agriculture and Food Security; Economic Inclusion; Education; Early Childhood; Health and Nutrition; and Civil Society." Targeted countries: Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Senegal
"We provide long-term risk capital, and seasonal working capital in amounts of USD2 million to USD 10 million. We can also mobilise matching grant funding to support the development of smallholder outgrower programmes. 1. Equity as ordinary or preferred shares. A preference for significant minority positions. Requires a clear exit route. Majority of financing must be for growth capital, not secondary purchases 2. Mezzanine loans with flexible repayment profiles and tenors of up to 10 years Low interest rates plus an equity kicker linked to project success. Extended grace periods reduce burden on cashflow during investment period. No dilution of voting rights. Leaves collateral for additional borrowing (e.g. for working capital) 3. Senior loans secured against fixed assets 4. Working capital secured against customer contracts and/ or physical collateral"
Agri-Business Capital Fund
"The ABC Fund offers a set of financial products, including loans and equity, specifically tailored to the needs of smallholder farmers and agri-SMEs. To reach them most effectively, these products are made available either directly to farmers’ organizations and SMEs, or indirectly via financial institutions."
Bread for the world
"Brot für die Welt (Bread for the World) is the globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries all across the globe we empower the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions.". Their topics: Food Security; Ecological Agriculture for Food Security; Education; Human Rights; Just Peace; SDGs; Health; Gender Equality; Climate Change; Land Grabbing
CISCO Global Impact Cash Grant Program
"Cisco welcomes applications for Global Impact Cash Grants from community partners around the world who share our vision and offer an innovative approach to a critical social challenge...We identify, incubate, and develop innovative solutions with the most impact. Global Impact Cash Grants go to nonprofits and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that address a significant social problem. We’re looking for programs that fit within our investment areas, serve the underserved, and leverage technology to improve the reach and efficiency of services. We accept applications year-round from eligible organizations... Organizations and programs must focus on at least one of our social investment areas: crisis response, access to education, economic empowerment, and/or climate impact and regeneration...The maximum request amount for first-time grant recipients is US$75,000."
Coca-Cola Foundation
Depuis sa création en 1984, la Fondation a accordé plus d’un milliard de dollars de subventions pour soutenir des initiatives communautaires durables dans le monde entier. Thèmes : "- Autonomiser les femmes - Renforcer les communautés - Protéger l’environnement - Former les universitaires"
Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation
"The Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation seeks to dramatically improve the lives of people and the world around us through innovative strategies, systems changing approaches, and disrupting technologies. Our goal is to find social entrepreneurs with dynamic ideas and nurture them at the early stages with maximum leverage and total commitment. Prospects for our portfolio of social enterprises come from a vast field of compelling ideas and dedicated leaders. We concentrate our selection on the capabilities of the founder/leader, the scalability of the model, and the potential impact of the organization on the world. We have an open application process and accept applications year round. Borrowed from our venture capital legacy we find exceptional entrepreneurs, provide them with 3 years of unrestricted capital (totaling $300,000) and provide rigorous on-going support by joining their board of directors for the 3 years and partnering with the leader to help them to build capacity in their organization and scale their impact. For for-profit organizations, we typically make program-related investments with an initial investment of $150,000 and we’ll do a subsequent investment of another $150,000 depending on the achievement of certain organizational metrics and milestones"
Dubai Cares
Dubai Cares is playing a key role in helping achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4, which aims to ensure inclusive and quality education for all and promote lifelong learning by 2030, by supporting programs in early childhood development, access to quality primary and secondary education, technical and vocational education and training for youth as well as a particular focus on education in emergencies and protracted crises. Since its inception, Dubai Cares has been working in partnership with UN aid agencies and international and local NGOs to implement education programs targeting children and young adults.
Fonds d’Innovation pour le Développement - FID
"The Fund for Innovation in Development (FID) is a new initiative to support innovation that contributes to reducing global poverty and inequality. Through flexible grant funding, FID enables innovators and researchers to test new ideas, build rigorous evidence of what works, and scale the highest-impact and most cost- effective solutions."
Stages of funding available: Prépare Grants - up to €50,000; Stage 1: Pilot Grants - up to €200,000; Stage 2: Test and Position for Scale Grants - €200,000 to €1,500,000; Stage 3: Transition to Scale Grants - €1,500,000 to €4,000,000; Transforming Public Policy Grants - up to €150,000
Ford Foundation
"The Ford Foundation supports organizations that address the underlying drivers of inequality." Topics: Civic Engagement and Government; Creativity and Free Expression; Disability Inclusion; Future of Work(ers); Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Justice; International Cooperation and Global Governance; Mission Investments; Natural Resources and Climate Change; Technology and Society
Foux Foundation
"The foundation is focused on helping in the areas of: health, education, youth opportunity and poverty. Areas of focus: The relief of sickness and promotion of good health; The advancement of education; The advancement of disadvantaged young people; The prevention or relief of poverty."
Global Environment Facility (GEF) Small Grants Programme
The programme provides grants of up to $50,000 directly to local communities including indigenous people, community-based organizations and other non-governmental groups for projects in Biodiversity, Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, Land Degradation and Sustainable Forest Management, International Waters and Chemicals... The maximum grant amount per project is US$50,000, but averages around US$25,000."
Global Fund for Children
"At the core of our model are our partnerships with courageous, dynamic organizations that are improving the lives of children and youth in the heart of their own communities. We eagerly look for new organizations to partner with across the globe, based on our regional strategies, and particularly when we launch and expand thematic and regional initiatives."
Global Innovation Fund
"The Global Innovation Fund is a non-profit, impact-first investment fund headquartered in London with offices in Washington, D.C. and Nairobi. We invest in the development, rigorous testing, and scaling up of new products, services, business process, or policy reforms that are more cost-effective than current practice and targeted at improving the lives of the world’s poorest people. Through our grants and risk capital, we support these breakthrough solutions from for-profit firms, non-profit organisations, researchers, and government agencies to maximise their impact and catalyse meaningful change. Because the best ideas for solving some of the world’s most critical development problems can come from anyone, anywhere, we provide an open window to receive innovative ideas and assess whether they are right for GIF investment."
Green Climate Fund
In deploying its resources, the Green Climate Fund will work through a wide range of institutions to finance projects and programmes. To access funding, these institutions will go through a process of “accreditation,” designed to assess whether they are capable of strong financial management and of safeguarding funded projects and programmes. Organisations seen to have specialised capacities in driving climate action may apply to become GCF Accredited Entities. They can be private, public, non-governmental, sub-national, national, regional or international bodies. They should have clear, detailed and actionable climate change projects or programmes to present to GCF progressing mitigation and adaptation... "
IZUMI Foundation
"Through our partnerships, IZUMI Foundation supports organizations and programs that help alleviate suffering and improve health and healthcare for children, families, and communities. With an emphasis on supporting organizations working in rural, remote, or under-served regions, IZUMI Foundation and its partners address a myriad of health challenges: from diseases with high rates of mortality, to quality health systems, to conditions that cause severe suffering, disability, and economic burden."
Medicor Foundation
"Medicor Foundation focuses on international development. We select convincing projects in the fields of education, health and social care. Medicor Foundation contributes to the sustainable improvement of the wellbeing and empowerment of vulnerable and disadvantaged peoplein countries in Africa..."
Microsoft Climate Innovation Fund
"...$1 billion investment initiative to accelerate technology development and deployment of new climate innovations through equity and debt capital." 4 investments criteria: - "Climate impact: Meaningful, measurable climate solutions in the areas of carbon, water, waste, and ecosystems. - Underfunded markets: Investing where the capital need for climate solutions is not being met. - Shared alignment: Technologies that are relevant to Microsoft’s core business and that of our customers. - Climate equity: Ensuring developing economies and underserved communities benefit from climate solutions."
Nestle Foundation
"The Nestlé Foundation initiates and supports research in human nutrition with public health relevance in low-income and lower middle-income countries according to the World Bank classification (see At present the Foundation’s work is primarily concerned with human nutrition research issues dealing with: - maternal and child nutrition, including breastfeeding and complementary feeding, - macro- and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances, - interactions between infection and nutrition, - nutrition education and health promotion. The precise priorities and goals of the Foundation are modified from time to time to meet emerging public health and nutritional needs in the developing world. Studies in other areas of human nutrition research might also be considered, as long as they are dealing with problems of malnutrition in eligible countries (see above). Other areas of research may be eventually considered for support if the applicant can offer specific and convincing evidence and justification for the choice of their research topic."
Nippon Foundation
"We engage in lively discussions with nonprofit organizations, corporations, governments, international organizations, researchers, and volunteers to arrive at possible solutions, and to initiate and implement projects...
"Fields of Activity:
Norfund – The Norwegian Investment Fund for Developing Countries
Norfund offers risk capital and expertise to companies that meet Norfund’s strategic priorities." Investment areas:Clean Energy; Financial Institutions; Green Infrastructure; Scalable Enterprises.
"Under its grant program, the OPEC Fund may extend three types of grants: (i) grants for country-specific activities and projects; (ii) grants for special development initiatives of global or regional scope; and (iii) emergency aid grants in support of humanitarian relief operations, including material or logistical assistance delivered for humanitarian purposes...For country-specific grants, the OPEC Fund will prioritize project proposals and activities that are clearly linked to, could complement or support its existing operations in the country concerned...For all types of grants, and with the exception of emergency aid grants and grants in support of projects sponsored by other development finance institutions or UN agencies, proposed activities and projects may be undertaken only where there is a solid commitment from the government to the project concerned.
Priority sectors and areas: While the OPEC Fund has financed projects in a wide array of sectors, including agriculture, energy, health, transportation and water and sanitation, it aims to be responsive to the needs of its partner countries. In addition, the OPEC Fund provides emergency aid assistance and supports selected regional and global initiatives, especially those addressing priority issues on the sustainable development agenda.
Grant amount and co-financing requirements: The amount of OPEC Fund contribution will vary according to the scope and the nature of the proposed grant activity or project. However, and with the exception of emergency aid and small grants in amounts of up to US$100,000, OPEC Fund’s contribution to a stand-alone project should not exceed 50 percent of the total cost of the said project."
Open Technology Fund
"OTF aims to support technologists and activists bring to life ideas that advance inclusive and safe access to global communications networks, counteract censorship and surveillance, and mitigate digital security threats to Internet freedom specifically for at-risk-users, journalists, human rights defenders, civil society activists and others living in repressive environments. OTF prioritizes projects coming from individuals or organizations who are applying for the first time, identify as under-represented within the field, and address areas that are underfunded... Funding amounts: For the Internet Freedom Fund: Minimum of $10,000 and maximum of $900,000 for a year-long contract. Note, however, that OTF’s target support ceiling is $300,000; most supported efforts receive between $50,000 and $200,000. - For the Rapid Response Fund: Minimum $1 and maximum of $50,000 for a period of no longer than six months. - For Fellowships: Fixed monthly stipend".
The Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund
The Lifeline Embattled CSO Assistance Fund is a consortium of 7 international NGOs that provides emergency assistance grants to civil society organizations (CSOs) facing threats due to their human rights work and rapid response advocacy and resiliency grants to address broader threats to civic space and freedom of association and assembly.
Wallace Global Fund
"The mission of the Wallace Global Fund is to support people-powered movements to advance democracy and rights and to fight for a healthy planet."
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