
Calls for proposals of Donors for West Africa


Social Hub West Africa helps African organizations (Small, Medium and Large Enterprises, NGOs, Local Municipalities and other Government bodies) formulate and submit their projects and funding requests, and manage all their fundraising processes.

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Dream - Design - Fund - Implement



CFC - Deadline : 01/10/2024

Sector : Agriculture.

Countries : Benin. Burkina Faso. Cape Verde. Cote d'Ivoire. Gambia. Ghana. Guinea. Guinea-Bissau. Mali. Mauritania. Niger. Nigeria. Senegal. Sierra Leone. Togo.

"The Common Fund for Commodities (CFC) invites applications for financial support to qualifying projects. The CFC can offer a range of financial and technical instruments of support to meet specific needs of SMEs/enterprises/businesses, cooperatives, and institutions along the entire commodity value chain in its member countries..."
Funding: "The CFC funds agribusinesses with loans and other debt instruments.
The maximum amount is USD 2 million for regular projects, and up to USD 300,000 under the Fast-Track procedure. However, we show some flexibility when we have projects with higher impacts and a good finance case..."


To receive our support for a funding opportunity, contact us:

Ousmane Ndoye

Senior Project Catalyst

Email :

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